Sunday, November 2, 2014

Parish: The Thought of a Brasserie and Neighborhood Café Hosting Atlanta's Sweetwater Junction

The band that lives together, um plays together well.  It was a mini-tour that essentially started on Friday night with Mark, Brian, and Walt at the Capitol City Club.  Saturday we rode up to Trinity, NC for a wedding reception.  We had the luxury of sleeping in and driving back for a Sunday reception at Parish in Inman Park.  This place is an extremely fashionable place to have a reception.  It was actually rather spacious considering they allowed us to take over the front room near the bar.  We angled into the corner and allowed for a large dance area in front of us.  The load in wasn't too bad, considering there were steps and we had to keep cases out in the trailer.  We were blessed by allowing the van to stay put near the steps.

Sound check
Dan takes the best pics, so I'm glad he worked himself into this one.
Working out the set list.  The bride and groom gave us carte blanche
Chris and Brian
Photo check
A fun crowd that was constantly changing as people mingle

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