Paul asked me to return for an encore appearance. Well, why not? It was every bit as fun and thrilling as the first time around. This time it was Geoff Gill's birthday, so we had a special lift about the proceedings. Also, this time they had another sub: Daniel Baraszu, guitarist extraordinaire. Daniel can play just about anything, from what I heard the other night. I know he's a master of straight-ahead and any form of jazz or imrov-based music, but he virtually stole the show on this night of horn-driven funk. The whole band was especially tight. They all treated me well too: Paul, Kevin, Tom, John, Gary, Tony, Geoff, and vocalist Ian. I felt much better than I did after my first time here with these funk lovers. We grooved long a hard, and I was ready when the previously-dropped What Is Hip? was tacked on at the end of the night for a much-requested encore, all 12 minutes of it. An encore at Cafe 290? Sure, when the band is this good. I really hope they have me back again, but I know how it is. They have a long list of players, yes some even better than me (you know I'm being silly...), that they can draw from. I kind of like thinking I could be a 2nd or 3rd call in the future. Ah, wise man once said, "better to not change horses in the middle of the stream."
Hey man - did you ever fix your bass? Our glue (laurapalmer.com) has held this whole time, but a pre-existing crack got bigger so we had to reglue and reclamp this secondary breech. It was closer to your situation, in which we had to shove the glue into the crack with a lot of difficulty. I was not satisfied the first time and put the bass aside for a few weeks to try it again. Neck cracks are common so I'm sticking with it.. and maybe buying a new neck on ebay when the time comes!