And so we did. Mark it in your calendar app for next year: July 23 is the date. This year it was held at the ever-hipster-friendly Moon Shadow Tavern in Tucker. I was surprised at the fine turnout. I don't like to drop names, but we had some big stars out for this one. I mean Sam Skelton, Jez Graham, Jeni Michelson, George Price, Jeff Fritz, Steve Mays, Arthur Turner, Ethan Levitt, Markham White, Scott Ritshie, Kathie DeVane Holmes, Todd Ague, Jim Sadler, Philip Buonpastore, Reese Boyd, Robert Henson, Frank Valdez, Tom Gibson, Will Groth, Adam Goodhue, Mark Michelson, Trenton Sicola, Mac Isseks, Bo Emerson, Tom Gibson, ..., and of course, Adrian Ash himself. I know I left out many great names - apologies. I don't even know all of these people that well to be listing them like this. And I believe it's not a lie to say that I was as tired an worn out as I looked in these pictures. Ah, but the music and the muse called out! It was a kick to see Sam over there playing his heart out, and in this hippie-fied joint. We commiserated together. Good times.
Being the blogger that I am, I shot a few pics at the beginning of the night. After that, I just got lost in the proceedings. I think my phone battery was dying anyways. Just added these up here, for faithful readers who know me well and know I tweak after I post. Some different views and colors, along with the obligatory selfie.
Adrian allowed me to play some bass and some guitar on this night. So fun to get back on guitar when I can. It makes me realize that I am indeed much more comfortable on bass at this point. Steve brought his fine Genz-Benz rig for us bassists to use. His P-bass has the punchiest tone. Then again, so does Rob's. Hmmm. Well, I brought my J-bass just to be different. For guitar, I used my ES-335. I wish I had brought my guitar rig, so that I knew how to work it. You'd think it wouldn't be that hard, but I had trouble switching back and forth on George and Reese's setups. I worked on Rikki's guitar solo perhaps more than any other part, but the amp wasn't turned up enough. It sure was on other tunes. I wasn't very keen on the technical aspects that night. It's too bad. What a great solo that is - Jeff Baxter made magic on that track. I enjoyed hearing everybody else's contributions. Another solo I transcribed years ago was Larry Carlton's solo on Kid Charlemagne. Apparently, so has many other guitarists! It's a great one, certainly. We closed with Deacon Blues, which is one I know really well from years of playing it. Good to end on a high note. Well, Adrian did a great job announcing us and being a personable emcee. I can't think of a better way to spend one's birthday evening. I was honored to be part of this gathering.
Look at all of these terrific pictures! All were taken by Sherri White and used with her kind permission. Thank you Sherri!
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