Here's a posting from a few weeks ago. I've fallen behind on my writings. Partly not inspired to recount whatever interesting newsworthy items I may have. Partly just too tied up with keeping this life thing together. A lot going on lately, certainly with Spencer's 5th birthday and our wedding anniversary taking precedence.
I haven't had much contact with The MartaY (yes, stylized as The MartaY) much lately. At this point, he's a solo artist and a very departmentalized vocalist/guitarist who knows a plethora of classic American Songbooks. He is the man to have along for a campfire singalong, or more lucratively, for a gathering of folks representing our increasingly large elderly population. He knows a lot of oldies but goodies, indeed. Once in a great while, he asks me to join up with him to provide a small band vibe at one of his private concerts. I am happy to oblige.
One tune he did that I hadn't played before was Lee Greenwood's God Bless the U.S.A. (he kept calling it I'm Proud To Be An American, which is a great Bill Spooner ditty from Tubes' Young and Rich - I knew it wan't that one). He changed the key to C and sang it strong, holding that last note like the Chairman of the Board holding that final New York! Good one to have up your sleeve in these troubled times of major events, in this case days after the bombings at the Boston Marathon. Who needs foreign terrorists when we're so adept at handling it ourselves? School shootings, and now, as I'm sending this out for review, a Mothers' Day parade shooting in New Orleans. Hard to stay positive.
We were set up in the back yard on the sidewalk that wraps around the garden. It was decent weather, but our location was not user friendly. Really not much to report. Spoke with MartaY at length as we packed up and ate our cold burgers and dogs. I think I needed to catch up with him and clear the air, although we didn't discuss what I'd been up to in detail. I know he stays busy and gigs probably about as much as any musician really wants to. He's got some real strengths.
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